The Multiple Marriers

Among all the breaking news about the battle for marriage equality in Albany, Out magazine has published my profile of “Multiple Marriers” PD Wadler and Ric Brown, who are getting married in every jurisdiction until same-sex marriage is legal everywhere.

As my friend writer Michael Luongo pointed out, PD’s answer to one of my questions was priceless: What does Rick mean to me? I don’t know how to answer that. It’s like, I’m not here for myself. He means everything to me. I can only think of him like he’s a part of my body. It’s like thinking, “What does your leg mean to you?” I can’t imagine living without him or being without him. We fit so well together. I’m really — eccentric? Idiosyncratic? — and he proves that there’s a pot to every lid. He was the guy who was interested in Judy Garland and the Watergate hearings. We’re really good together, and in the past few years, we’ve become much more of a team. And I think that good marriages are like that.

Read the full article in Out.